11 August 2015

Something we loners need to understand...

is that it is important to share...

Hugely important.

I know it is very difficult to share especially if one has been alone for a long time, either forced to, or by choice.

Maybe if we look around, we'll see someone with whom we may wish to spend time...it IS important to get out of the shell, or we may end up destroying ourselves...(I know this to be true). Not all the people we extend our hand to will take it....some will, some won't and some may change their mind or we may change our mind about someone. That's okay. But we still need to reach out.

The thing is that unless we share our joys and sorrows with someone (even better if we can share with someone who understands us and appreciates us), those joys and sorrows never become complete. That is, the joys remain unfulfilled, and the sorrows become darker and leave a lingering pain. But if we share them, then the joys become full, filling us with deep happiness and satisfaction, and the sorrows don't seem so bad...they seem cope-able or manageable.

Sharing is important for friendships too for if we value our friendship/s, then by sharing our joys and sorrows, we cement our friendship/s...